UP Government Jobs Portal named as “U-Rise (URISE)” domain name is urise.up.gov.in. U-Rise Portal for Student Empowerment and The Uttar Pradesh state government has launched U-Rise portal for students empowerment and finding jobs. The URISE means The Unified Reimagined Innovation for Student Empowerment, the portal will help to improve U.P. state students career building and skill trainees.

THE URISE, a unified empowerment of the students of engineering, polytechnic, vocational and skill trainees. portal under the direction of the Department of Technical Education, Govt of UP and developed by – Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow. The first phase of U-Rise, polytechnics, vocational and skill development have been associated on this portal. In the second phase, a target has been set to link all the engineering universities of the state.
MAHA Jobs Portal 2023 | mahajobs.maharashtra.gov.in
✅ What is URISE Portal?
URISE stands for Unified Reimagined Innovation for Students Empowerment. The URISE Portal was launched by Government of Uttar Pradesh. The URISE portal provides students the opportunity to go beyond their institutions and courses. Its also help to improve students empowerment.
✅ What are the services provided by URISE Portal?
U-Rise UP Government Portal provides following students services:-
- ✔️ Registration
✔️ Dashboard - ✔️ E-Content
- ✔️ Attendance
- ✔️ Online Courses
- ✔️ Skill Performance
- ✔️ Grievances
- ✔️ Digi Locker
✅ How To Register U-RISE Portal?
The URISE portal open for all students. The URISE registration and services are completely free. Student registration direct link as https://urise.up.gov.in/student/register.
- ✔️ Select your Organization (Skill Training / ITI / Polytechnic Diploma),
✔️ Enter your Enrolment Number and - ✔️ Enter your Date of Birth to Register.
✅ How to contact URISE Portal?
For any queries / assistance / clarification email to [email protected].
✅ Who developed URISE Portal?
The URISE portal developed and maintained by Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow.