Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Recruitment: Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata (formerly Kolkata Port Trust), invites applications from eligible Indian Nationals for the engagement of Radio Officers, Senior Hydrographers, Junior Marine Engineers, and Inland Masters on a contractual basis. Candidates should apply for the SM Port Kolkata vacancy through offline application mode on or before the closing date, 20th June 2024.
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Job Openings 2024
Post Name | No of Posts |
Senior Hydrographers | 02 |
Radio Officers | 02 |
Junior Marine Engineers | 01 |
Inland Masters | 02 |
Age Limit:
For Senior Hydrographers: Maximum 30 years for B.Sc. Nautical Science, Maximum 35 years for others.
For Radio Officers: Not exceeding 55 years.
For Junior Marine Engineers: Not exceeding 50 years.
For Inland Masters: Not exceeding 45 years.
Monthly Salary (Consolidated Remuneration):
For Senior Hydrographers: ₹ 57,000/- per month
For Radio Officers: ₹ 46,500/- per month
For Junior Marine Engineers: ₹ 46,500/- per month
For Inland Masters: ₹ 40,000/- per month

Eligibility / Educational Qualifications:
Senior Hydrographers:
(a) B.Sc. (Nautical Science) with minimum 60% marks. (OR)
(b) 2nd Mate (FG) / 1st Matic (FG) / Dredge Mate Grade-I / Dredge Master Grade-II/
Radio Officers:
(a) Possesses a valid Indian GMDSS (GOC) Certificate.
(2) Minimum 02 years experience in working on board vessels / stations in the rank of Radio Officer / Electro Technical Officer / 2nd Officer.
Junior Marine Engineers:
(a) For Retired/Serving Officers of the Merchant Navy:Complete a full-time apprenticeship in an approved marine workshop. Simultaneously attend an approved engineering course at a technical school. Pass the required exams to earn a diploma from the technical school. (OR) Be an apprentice from a marine workshop who is eligible to take the Class IV Part A Engineer’s Examination. Have equivalent training and experience from the Indian Navy.
(b) For Retired Officers of the Indian Navy: Have retired as a Petty Officer Marine Engineer (POME) or Licentiate in Marine Engineering (LME).
For Inland Masters:
(a) The candidate should possess a 1st Class Inland Master Certificate from IWT Directorate, Govt, of West Bengal. Candidates possessing 1st Class Inland Master Certificate from Assam will also be eligible, if they are endorsed by 1WT Directorate, Govt. of West Bengal.
(b) The candidates should possess an experience of working on board Tugs for a period of five (05) years as Inland Master.
Selection Process:
✔️ Written Test / Proficiency Test (AND / OR)
✔️ Personal Interview
Also Read: CSIR 4PI Recruitment: Application Form
How to Apply:
To Apply for Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port Vacancy, Eligible candidates may submit their applications (in prescribed format). The duly filled application along with photo-copies of required documents / certificates addressed to
Marine Department,
Syama Prasad Mookerjee Port, Kolkata
at 15, Strand Road, Kolkata – 700001.
The postal cover envelope super scribe “Application for engagement as _______ (On Contract). The last date for receipt of applications is 20/06/2024.