National Institute of Hydrology invites online applications from Post Graduate or Doctorate Degree Engineering holders for direct recruitment of Scientist C to fill up one SC and one ST post. Eligible Indian citizens should apply within 10 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News. The NIH Scientist Recruitment 2023 online application registration will be made through the NIH official website,
NIH Recruitment 2023 of 02 Scientist Posts
Name of the Post | No of Vacancy |
Scientist C | 02 |
✅ NIH Scientist Eligibility Criteria:
- Educational Qualifications: Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering / Agricultural Engineering / Instrumentation Engineering / Computer Engineering / Water Resources / Hydrology / Hydraulics / Irrigation / Soil and Water Conservation / Environmental Engineering / Remote Sensing and GIS/ Geo Informatics with 60% marks or equivalent. (OR) Doctorate Degree with PG Degree in Engineering / Science in relevant discipline with 60% marks or equivalent.
- Experience: Minimum 03 years experience in Research and Development Organizations and / or academic and / or industrial institutions.
- Age Limit: Not exceeding 40 years.
✅ NIH Scientist Salary:
- National Institute of Hydrology Scientist C Pay Scale is Level 11, ₹ 67700 – 208700/-
✅ NIH Scientist Selection Process:
- The selection for the National Institute of Hydrology Scientist C Recruitment will be based solely on an Interview or Written Examination.
✅ How to Apply NIH Scientist Recruitment 2023 Online Mode:
✔️ Online Registration:
- Candidates are first required to apply online through NIH’s official website and click on the link ‘Career and Opportunities’ and then click on the option “CLICK HERE TO APPLY ONLINE FOR ADVERTISEMENT NO. 2023/04” to open the On-Line Application Form.
- To register application (one time only), choose the tab “Register NOW!” and enter Name. Email ID password. Candidate should remember his/her email id and password.
✔️ Hard Copy Submission:
- The hardcopy of application filled online should be submitted to the Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Jalvigyan Bhawan, Roorkee- 247667 (Uttrakhand) within 10 days from the last date of online submission of application by Speed/Registered Post only.
- The envelope containing the application form should superscribed in bold letter as “Application for Post of NIH, Roorkee.”.
National Institute of Hydrology invites applications from eligible government officials for recruitment of Officer and Assistant posts on deputation basis. Apply within 30 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper.
Name of the Post | No of Vacancy |
Senior Administrative Officer | 01 |
Section Officer | 01 |
Assistant | 03 |
✅ Job Location: Any where in India.
✅ Eligibility Criteria: Officer under the Central Government / State Government / Public Sector Undertaking / Semi Government / Statutory / Autonomous Organizations / Societies.
✅ Application Fee: ₹ 100/- Only.
✅ How to Apply:
➢ Eligible candidates apply in prescribed application format.
➢ The duly filled application along with all relevant supporting documents duly self attested in prescribed format along with Original Demand Draft (DD) should be submitted to “Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Jal Vigyan Bhawan, Roorkee – 2476678 (Uttarakhand)”.
➢ Apply within 30 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper dated 11th March 2023 Issue.
NIH Recruitment 2023 of Scientist Vacancies: National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) Roorkee, Uttarakhand invites applications from eligible candidates for recruitment of following Scientist Vacancies at its Headquarters and Regional Centre Guwahati, Beigavi, Patna, Kakinada, Jammu and Bhopal or any part of the country. The posts to be filled up by direct recruitment / absorption / deputation basis. Apply with 30 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News paper dated 11th February 2023 Issue.
National Institute of Hydrology Recruitment 2023
Name of the Post | No of Vacancy |
Scientist D | 04 |
Scientist C | 05 |
Scientist B | 09 |
✅ NIH Recruitment Age Limit:
✔️ Scientist D: Not exceeding 50 years, 53 years for OBC.
✔️ Scientist C: Not exceeding 40 years for General & 43 years for OBC.
✔️ Scientist B: Not exceeding 35 years for General & 38 years for OBC.
✅ NIH Recruitment Job Location: Any where in India.
✅ NIH Recruitment Salary:
✔️ Scientist D: Level 12 ₹ 78800 – 209200/-
✔️ Scientist C: Level 11 ₹ 67700 – 208700/-
✔️ Scientist B: Level 10 ₹ 56100 – 177500/-
✅ NIH Recruitment Eligibility Criteria:
✔️ Scientist D: Post Graduate Degree in Engineering in relevant disciplines (OR) Ph.D. Minimum 06 years experience in R&D Organizations and / or academic and / or Industrial Institutions.
✔️ Scientist C: At least 60% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree in relevant disciplines. Minimum 03 years experience in R&D Organizations and / or academic and / or Industrial Institutions.
✔️ Scientist B: At least 60% marks or equivalent in Master’s Degree in relevant disciplines.
✔️ Vacancy Disciplines: Water Resources, Hydrology, Hydraulics, Irrigation, Soil and Water Conservation, Environmental Engineering, Remote Sensing, GIS, Civil Engineering, Agricultural Engineering, Computer Engineering etc.

✅ NIH Recruitment Selection Process:
✔️ Shortlisted candidates will called for Written Examination / Interview.
✅ NIH Recruitment Application Fee:
✔ ₹ 100/- only.
✔️ The fee in the form of Bank Draft drawn in favour of “National Institute of Hydrology” payable at SBI Branch of IIT Roorkee.
✔ No fee for PH / SC / ST category candidates.
✅ How to Apply NIH Recruitment?
➢ Eligible candidates required to apply online through NIH Roorkee Official website (
The online registration open for a period of 30 days after it is published in Employment News paper dated 11/02/2023 Issue.
➢ The hard copy of application along with supporting documents duly self attested addressed to :The Senior Administrative Officer, National Institute of Hydrology, Kalvigyan Bhawan, Roorkee – 247667 (Uttarakhand)” through Speed / Registered Post Only.
➢ The postal cover envelope super scribed “Application for the post of ________”.
✅ About: National Institute of Hydrology (NIH) – A Government of India Society under Ministry of Jal Dhakti, Department of Water Resources River Development and Ganga Rejuvenation.